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    Person's SCA Name
    Weapon Form
    Marshal Level
    12461 items found  (Total items: 12461)
    items per page
    Page 1217 of 1247
    Person's SCA Name   Region   Branch Name   Discipline   Weapon Form   Marshal Level   Authorizing Marshal    Expires On   Is Minor?  
    Alaryn AecenstaeffSummitsSouthmarchCut & ThrustSingle SwordSeniorTaran Destingr2026-03-05
    Greta GrunwaldTir RighSeagirtTarget ArcheryTarget ArcherySeniorIsabella da Firenze2026-07-02
    Thorkell PalssonInlandsAkornebirYouth RapierNon Fighting Sr.SeniorIzza al-Dimashqiyya2025-02-28
    Seamus MacDonald of SkyeTir RighSeagirtYouth RapierNon Fighting Sr.SeniorKatryne MacKim2026-05-31
    Alaryn AecenstaeffSummitsSouthmarchCut & ThrustTwo Handed SwordSeniorTaran Destingr2026-03-05
    Alaryn AecenstaeffSummitsSouthmarchRapier CombatSword w/Offensive
    SeniorLuciano Foscari2026-03-05
    Izza al-DimashqiyyaInlandsWealdsmereYouth RapierNon Fighting Sr.SeniorKatryne MacKim2025-05-31
    Ulrich FuchsTir RighDanescombeThrown WeaponsThrown WeaponsSeniorArgyle MacMillan2028-04-11
    Mughain inghean
    CentralAquaterraYouth RapierNon Fighting Sr.SeniorKatryne MacKim2023-07-31
    Maurus IoinerTir RighHartwoodRapier CombatSingle SwordSeniorSeamus MacDonald of Skye2027-08-29
    Page 1217 of 1247

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