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    Person's SCA Name
    Weapon Form
    Marshal Level
    12461 items found  (Total items: 12461)
    items per page
    Page 1210 of 1247
    Person's SCA Name   Region   Branch Name   Discipline   Weapon Form   Marshal Level   Authorizing Marshal    Expires On   Is Minor?  
    Kosem of House AwryCentralDragons LaireThrown WeaponsThrown WeaponsSeniorStephen the Sinister2026-04-12
    Harold of HartwoodTir RighHartwoodThrown WeaponsThrown WeaponsSeniorUlf Tretelgjar2025-04-14
    Duncan of AberfoyleTir RighLions GateThrown WeaponsThrown WeaponsSeniorJaqueline Lefleur2026-09-28
    Ulf TretelgjarTir RighHartwoodThrown WeaponsThrown WeaponsSeniorKjartan Kraka2025-04-18
    Jaqueline LefleurTir RighLions GateThrown WeaponsThrown WeaponsSeniorKoga2027-05-26
    Kjartan KrakaTir RighHartwoodThrown WeaponsThrown WeaponsSeniorHarold of Hartwood2026-07-23
    Viggo KnoutTir RighLions GateThrown WeaponsThrown WeaponsSeniorDuncan of Aberfoyle2022-09-18
    Leo le FirseCentralWyewoodThrown WeaponsThrown WeaponsSeniorArion the Wanderer2023-11-03
    Theodora van ZeelandTir RighFjordlandTarget ArcheryTarget ArcherySeniorJames Wolfden2020-11-04
    Cassandra le RedeTir RighFalse IsleTarget ArcheryTarget ArcherySeniorJohn MacAndrew2022-07-07
    Page 1210 of 1247

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