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    Person's SCA Name
    Weapon Form
    Marshal Level
    12461 items found  (Total items: 12461)
    items per page
    Page 1215 of 1247
    Person's SCA Name   Region   Branch Name   Discipline   Weapon Form   Marshal Level   Authorizing Marshal    Expires On   Is Minor?  
    Yzabels de la CostaTir RighThornwoldTarget ArcheryTarget ArcheryJuniorWill Fletcher2026-07-16
    Drazhan de SpensTir RighDanescombeRapier CombatSingle SwordJuniorTobias Von Rosenheim2028-02-03NO
    Drazhan de SpensTir RighDanescombeRapier CombatTwo Handed SwordJuniorTobias Von Rosenheim2028-02-03NO
    Drazhan de SpensTir RighDanescombeRapier CombatSword w/Offensive
    JuniorTobias Von Rosenheim2028-02-03NO
    Drazhan de SpensTir RighDanescombeRapier CombatSword w/Defensive
    JuniorTobias Von Rosenheim2028-02-03NO
    Peregrina DrakkarTir RighLions GateYouth RapierSingle SwordNoneKatryne MacKim2024-07-31YES
    Andreyus bin LazariTir RighThornwoldArmored CombatWeapon & ShieldJuniorCyneric Beresone2027-09-27NO
    Andreyus bin LazariTir RighThornwoldArmored CombatTwo-HandedJuniorCyneric Beresone2027-09-27NO
    Frosti NavarsonTir RighThornwoldArmored CombatSpearNoneMikolaj Thorkelwicz2026-08-04
    Maurus IoinerTir RighHartwoodRapier CombatTwo Handed SwordSeniorSeamus MacDonald of Skye2027-08-29
    Page 1215 of 1247

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