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    Person's SCA Name
    Weapon Form
    Marshal Level
    12461 items found  (Total items: 12461)
    items per page
    Page 1215 of 1247
    Person's SCA Name   Region   Branch Name   Discipline   Weapon Form   Marshal Level   Authorizing Marshal    Expires On   Is Minor?  
    Cyneric BeresoneTir RighLions GateThrown WeaponsThrown WeaponsJuniorTs'ai T'ien-p'u2025-05-28
    Luther GutmanSummitsTerra PomariaThrown WeaponsThrown WeaponsSeniorJohn Wayland2027-05-27
    Katherine FoxSummitsAdiantumThrown WeaponsThrown WeaponsJuniorWilliam Cristofore of
    Rouen Akasha d'ArcInlandsWealdsmereThrown WeaponsThrown WeaponsJuniorVadas Ersebet2023-06-22
    Olaf of MontanoreInlandsWealdsmereThrown WeaponsThrown WeaponsJuniorVadas Ersebet2023-06-22
    Fergus William BiggsInlandsWastekeepThrown WeaponsThrown WeaponsSeniorPhydeaux Weir2023-07-20
    Jameson WheelerTir RighLionsdaleThrown WeaponsThrown WeaponsSeniorJaqueline Lefleur2025-09-11
    Freya StonewolfCentralBlatha An OirThrown WeaponsThrown WeaponsJuniorPhydeaux Weir2023-08-10
    James WolfdenTir RighLions GateThrown WeaponsThrown WeaponsJuniorPhydeaux Weir2023-08-03
    SunnaTir RighLions GateThrown WeaponsThrown WeaponsJuniorDuncan of Aberfoyle2023-08-03
    Page 1215 of 1247

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