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An Tir Equestrian Authorization Marshal Statistics Q4 2022 (October 01 - December 31)
Lady 'Izza Al-Dimshqiyya Marshal Authorization Officer - An Tir
Jump to regional breakdowns: Central, Inlands, Summits, Tir Righ
An Tir Equestrian Authorizations
Authorization Type Reporting Quarter Last QuarterNet Gain/Loss
Ground Crew - Junior 7 4 3
Ground Crew - Senior 36 36 0
Crest Combat 13 13 0
Driving 9 9 0
Ground Driving 0 0 0
General Riding 54 54 0
Jousting 12 12 0
Mounted Archery 20 20 0
Mounted Gaming 44 44 0
Mounted Heavy Combat 10 10 0
Experimental Weapon 1 1 0
Total 206 203 3
Centralback to top
Authorization Type Reporting Quarter Last QuarterNet Gain/Loss
Ground Crew - Junior 3 3 0
Ground Crew - Senior 20 20 0
Crest Combat 10 10 0
Driving 3 3 0
Ground Driving 0 0 0
General Riding 29 29 0
Jousting 9 9 0
Mounted Archery 10 10 0
Mounted Gaming 25 25 0
Mounted Heavy Combat 7 7 0
Experimental Weapon 1 1 0
Total Central Authorizations 117 117 0
Inlandsback to top
Authorization Type Reporting Quarter Last QuarterNet Gain/Loss
Ground Crew - Junior 3 3 0
Ground Crew - Senior 2 2 0
Crest Combat 1 1 0
Driving 1 1 0
Ground Driving 0 0 0
General Riding 4 4 0
Jousting 1 1 0
Mounted Archery 1 1 0
Mounted Gaming 2 2 0
Mounted Heavy Combat 1 1 0
Experimental Weapon 0 0 0
Total Inlands Authorizations 16 16 0
Summitsback to top
Authorization Type Reporting Quarter Last QuarterNet Gain/Loss
Ground Crew - Junior 0 0 0
Ground Crew - Senior 9 9 0
Crest Combat 2 2 0
Driving 4 4 0
Ground Driving 0 0 0
General Riding 13 13 0
Jousting 2 2 0
Mounted Archery 7 7 0
Mounted Gaming 11 11 0
Mounted Heavy Combat 2 2 0
Experimental Weapon 0 0 0
Total Summits Authorizations 50 50 0
Tir Righback to top
Authorization Type Reporting Quarter Last QuarterNet Gain/Loss
Ground Crew - Junior 1 1 0
Ground Crew - Senior 5 5 0
Crest Combat 0 0 0
Driving 1 1 0
Ground Driving 0 0 0
General Riding 8 8 0
Jousting 0 0 0
Mounted Archery 2 2 0
Mounted Gaming 6 6 0
Mounted Heavy Combat 0 0 0
Experimental Weapon 0 0 0
Total Tir Righ Authorizations 23 23 0

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